Moving to Maui

Moving to Maui with Pets

Moving is stressful. Moving across a body of water with your fur babies while trying to navigate the State of Hawaii's pet requirements is beyond stressful. Hawaii's ecosystem is very delicate and to protect our islands, strict laws and a rigorous process has been established. There are 3 ways that you can bring in your pet to Hawaii, but we are going to focus on the Direct Airport Release program. Prior to implementing this program, the state required incoming pets to complete a 120-day quarantine at the owner's expense.

Don't do it alone, we can help! We've moved both a large and small dog from the US mainland to Hawaii and then moved them interisland. Below is a condensed outline of the Direct Airport Release program that we've created to help with the process. Please note that this process takes time, give yourself at least 4-5 months.

Please call Mandy at 808-476-9966 with questions or for any assistance.

There are 3 ways that you can bring in your pet, but we are going to focus on the Direct Airport Release program. Please note that this process takes time, give yourself at least 4-5 months. Prior to implementing this program, the state required incoming pets to complete a 120-day quarantine at the owner's expense

  1. Alert them that you are planning a move to Maui and you need their help to prepare your animal's health certificate.
  2. Present them the State of Hawaii's Summary Form
  3. Have your veterinarian implant a new electronic microchip or verify that a current microchip is still working. Scan the microchip and document the number. NOTE: this must be completed prior to preforming the FAVN rabies antibody blood test.
  4. Have them conduct a blood sample and send an approved lab (Auburn University, Kansas State University, or DOD Food Analysis and Diagnostic Laboratory in Texas) for the FAVN Rabies Antibody TestNOTE: animals must wait at least 120 days from the time of the blood sample is received by the laboratory before arriving in Hawaii and following a successful test result, animals must wait 30 days before arriving in Hawaii. 
  5. Review your pet's rabies vaccination history and determine what steps are needed. NOTE:
  • Two rabies vaccinations are required.
  • A 30-day interval must occur between the two rounds of vaccinations. 
  • 2nd round of vaccination must be completed 90 days prior to your arrival date. 
  • Pet's most recent vaccination must not be expired when your pet arrives.
  • The date and types of vaccine must be indicated on the vaccination and health certificate. 
  1. While working with your veterinarian you should have an outline of the dates that required items will be finalized for your pet's direct airport release. 
  2. Select a Maui veterinary facility (per the State's approved vendor list) to perform the inspection and release procedure. NOTE: the veterinary inspector must send confirmation to the Animal Quarantine Station 30-days ahead of the planned travel and you are responsible for the additional fees for their service. 
  3. Account for the time required for your Neighbor Island Inspection Permit to be delivered to you. 
  4. Cross reference your pet documentation outline with your other important dates (closing of properties, work timelines, shipping of household items, etc.) and determine your flight date.
  5. Book your flight! 
  • Make sure you understand your airline's requirements for traveling with a pet including check-in time AND location, crating requirements, health certificate requirements, pricing, etc.
  • Make sure that your flight arrives during normal business hours that correspond with inspection times to ensure that you can take your pet home from the airport.
  • Most airlines limit the number of cargo and in-cabin pets allowed per flight, so make sure to check the availability prior to booking.
  • Remember that this is going to be a hard trip for the pet so make the process as easy as possible - non-stop flights or even driving to the west coast for shorter flight length. 

To help keep you on track, download the State's Checklist

  1. Complete and sign the Dog & Cat Import Form. Make sure to check "Neighbor Island Inspection Permit" under the type of program applying for. NOTE: a separate form is required for each pet.
  2. Original rabies vaccine certificates for the 2 most recent vaccinations.
  3. Copy of your veterinarian's result showing the successful blood test and microchip number. 
  4. Payment either as a check or money order.
  5. Enclose a self-addressed prepaid envelope for your permit to be returned. 
  6. Make copies of everything!
  7. Mail via registered mail to the Animal Quarantine Station. NOTE: all required documents must be submitted 30 days prior to your arrival date.
  1. Receive your Neighbor Island Inspection Permit. NOTE: the permit is required to board the aircraft and must accompany the dog or car in the aircraft. The permit shall be submitted to the inspector upon arrival in Hawaii. 
  2. Within 10 days of arriving in Hawaii, have your veterinarian treat your pet with a long-acting product labeled to kill ticks (Revolution is not accepted) AND have them complete a health certificate. NOTE: the health certificate must record the name and date of the tick treatment.  
  3. Prepare and then introduce your pet to their crate or carrier, the more time they spend the calmer they will be on moving day. 
  4. Visit the airport and make sure you know exactly where you need to go to drop off your pet as well as how long it will take you to get there. 
  5. Rent a car in Maui that is large enough to fit your pet's crate if you are traveling with a large dog. 
  6. Pack treats, dry pet food, multiple bottles of water, water bowl, poop bags, an extra towel or pad, and leashes in your carry on. 
  7. For your pet's safety DO NOT drug them for the flight.

We’re here to help, contact us today with any questions.

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